Effect of Housing Ownership on Young People’s Decisions to Enter into the Union of Marriage
Author/s: Charbel ABBOUD, Houwayda MATTA, Maroun KHATER
Date Published:
Published in: Volume 28 - 2022/2023 Issue 2 (pages 138 - 176)
The aim of this study is to examine the link between housing ownership and marriage in Lebanon. This study considers data from the evaluative research of three affordable housing projects implemented by a non-profit organisation. The data covers the 295 owners who purchased houses from this organisation between 1995 and 2003. The study was conducted in 2019. We used the data from the non-profit organisation’s projects in Lebanon because in the 1990s, Lebanon experienced an unprecedented housing crisis and delay in marriage ceremonies. As a result, this non-governmental organisation implemented three housing projects to encourage young people to marry. By using mixed methods, the findings reveal a significant impact of housing ownership on the young people’s decisions to marry. Therefore, this study confirms the effectiveness of a non-profit organisation’s construction programs. It also encourages the Lebanese government and all governments in collaboration with the private sector and nonprofit organisations to deliver more affordable housings and facilitate access to home ownership for young people. Additionally, governments may create appropriate public policies to control the real estate market. This will ease the issues associated with postponed marriage, and increase the financial support for young people’s ability to purchase a house.
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Affordable Housing - Home Ownership - Housing Crisis - Housing Policy - Marriage - Young PeopleReferences
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