Australian cultural built heritage: stakeholders’ perceived conservation barriers and motivations
Author/s: Johari H. N. Amar, Lynne Armitage, Daniel O’Hare
Date Published: 4/05/2017
Published in: Volume 23 - 2017 Issue 2 (pages 161 - 173)
Stakeholders are recognised as drivers of effective conservation of cultural built heritage. Yet, as stakeholders have eclectic views in terms of their interest in, knowledge of and perceptions about the management of historic fabric, their practices are often diverse. The objective of this paper is to gain an understanding of the stakeholders’ views drawn from relevant professional field on the issues that act as barriers to conservation and identify the factors that motivate built heritage management in Australia. Using a qualitative research design, two focus groups were conducted in Queensland and New South Wales with purposely selected key informants ( = 14) working in the Australian heritage sector. The study presents stakeholders’ interest in managing built heritage and the perceptions concerning the application of conservation policy and practices in the Australian built heritage sector, as influenced by the interdisciplinary backgrounds of participants. The paper contributes to an in-depth understanding of the conservation barriers and motivators and their implications for policy and practices in the management of Australian built heritage. The study is based on the perceptions of key informants with diverse interests and knowledge about the conservation of cultural built heritage; this makes the research analysis and implications inclusive and influential from both theoretical and practical points of view.Download Full Article
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Australia - Community Heritage Discourse - Conservation Barriers - Conservation Motivations - Cultural Built Heritage - Stakeholder PerceptionReferences
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